Events organized or co-organized by Baltic Earth are marked in red (see also right column).
For pre-2013 BALTEX events, go to the BALTEX website.
Upcoming events
Past events
- 16-17 December 2020, 1-6 pm CET. Online Conference on Marginal Seas – Past and future. More...
- 1-2 December 2020: CommOcean 2020. 4th International Marine Science Communication Conference. Sopot, Poland. Online. More...
- 4 November 2020: Baltic Sea Day 2020, organized by Baltic Sea Centre of Stockholm University. Online. More...
- 15 October 2020: Climateurope Websitval on climate and climate services in the Baltic Sea region, online. More...
- POSTPONED TO SPRING 2021 (23-25 September 2020): Argo Arctic and Baltic Users Workshop, Sopot, Poland. New dates to be announced...
- 21 September 2020: ESA-Baltic Earth Workshop on Earth Observation in the Baltic Sea region. Online. Co-organized by European Space Agency and the International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. More...
- 24-31 August 2020: 6th International Baltic Earth Summer School on Climate of the Baltic Sea region, Askö, Sweden. More...
- 18 June 2020: Climateurope Webstival 2020. More...
- 5 June 2020: ESA Baltic+ SeaLaBio, User consultation 1 - ERGOM modelling results.WebEx meeting. More...
- 1-5 June 2020: 3rd Baltic Earth Conference: Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts. Jastarnia, Hel peninsula, Poland. More...
- 3 - 8 May 2020: EGU General Assmbly 2020, Vienna, Austria. Baltic Earth session on Climate change and other drivers of environmental change: Developments, interlinkages and impacts in regional seas and coastal regions
- 19- 20 November 2019: Baltic Earth Workshop on Climate projections and uncertainties in the northern Baltic Sea region
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland. More...
- 8-9 October 2019: Baltic Earth Workshop on Hydrology of the Baltic Sea Basin: Observations, Modelling, Forecasting.
State Hydrologic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. More...
- 24-27 September 2019: ICYMARE 2019, International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers, Bremen, Germany. More ...
- 15-20 September 2019: Baltic Earth summer school on Remote Sensing/Earth Observation, Voru, Estonia. More ...
- 9 - 13 Sept 2019: European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2019 at DTU Copenhagen, Denmark. More ...
Session on GEWEX RHPs HyMex, Baltic Earth and PannEx here...
- 26 August - 2 Sept 2019: 5th Baltic Earth Summer School on Askö, Sweden. More ...
- 19-23 August 2019: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2019, Stockholm, Sweden. More...
- 10-21 June 2019: IOCCP-BONUS Integral International Training Course on "Instrumenting our ocean for better observation: A training course on a suite of biogeochemical sensors", Sven Loven Center for Marine Sciences, Kristineberg, Sweden. More...
- 7-12 April 2019: Baltic Earth Session "Climate and other drivers of change: Interlinkages, ramifications and impacts in coastal regions" at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria. More...
- 1-3 April 2019: Workshop at IO-PAN, Sopot, Poland: "Underway and Sensor CO2 Data and Metadata Quality Control Procedures"
Register by 22 March! More infos here... Agenda here...
- 22 - 29 March 2019: 1st Baltic Earth Winter School on Analysis of Climate Variability, Warnemünde, Germany. More...
- 26-27 November 2018: Baltic Earth Workshop on Multiple Drivers of Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region. Tallinn, Estonia. Further infos
- 17-18 October 2018: Trilateral Estonian-Finnish-Russian Gulf of Finland Forum "Gulf of Finland - natural dynamics and anthropogenic impact", devoted to 50th Anniversary of trilateral Gulf of Finland Cooperation, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 24-27 September 2018: ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. Hamburg, Germany. More...
- 17-21 September 2018: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2018. Tallinn, Estonia. More...
- 3-7 September 2018: EMS Annual Meeting 2018: Weather and climate: global change and local hazards. Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. More...
- 20-27 August 2018: 4th International Baltic Earth Summer School on Climate of the Baltic Sea region. Askö Laboratory, Trosa, Sweden. More...
- 13-15 August 2018: Nordic Water. The Nordic Hydrological Conference. Bergen, Norway. More...
- 15-20 July 2018: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2018. University of Warsaw, Poland. More...
- 11-15 June 2018: 2nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea Region in Transition Helsingor, Denmark. More...
- 6-11 May 2018: 8th GEWEX Science Conference: Extremes and Water on the Edge. Canmore, Alberta, Canada. More...
- 25-27 April 2018: Workshop on Cryospheric Extremes, Helsinki, Finland. More...
- 8-13 April 2018: European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018): Baltic Earth related Open Session on Coastal and Shelf Seas. More...
- 28-30 March 2018: Vinogradov´s Conference: Facets of Hydrology. St. Petersburg, Russia. More...
- 22-23 March 2018: Baltic Sea Day, St. Petersburg, Russia. More...
- 14-16 March 2018: Lake Peipus, River Narva and their Watersheds: local issues and regional cooperation. Pskov State University, Russia. More...
- 14-16 March 2018: Baltic Earth-MedCORDEX Workshop on Regional Climate System Modelling for the European Sea Regions, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. More...
- 11-15 December 2017: Session at AGU Fall meeting in New Orleans:
Addressing Environmental Challenges Through Research Infrastructures and Cooperative Networks with an Emphasis on Marine and Coastal Regions. Session description here...
- 24-25 October 2017: SHIPPING AND THE ENVIRONMENT - From Regional to Global Perspectives. Gothenburg, Sweden.
More here...
- From small scales to large scales –The Gulf of Finland Science Days 2017, 9-10 October 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia. More info here...
- 5th International Water Forum «Water Resources and Climate», 5-6 October 2017 Minsk, Republic of Belarus. More...
- 28 August-4 September 2017: 3rd Baltic Earth International Summer School,
Askö, Sweden
- 12-16 June 2017: 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress “Living along gradients: past, present, future”, Rostock, Germany. More...
- 23-28 April 2017: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- The session on Climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations and model projections is based on the work of the recently published regional BACC II (Baltic Sea region) and NOSCCA (North Sea region) climate change reports, but open to all scientists working in any fields of climate change and climate change related impacts in the Baltic Sea region.
- The session Open Session on Coastal and Shelf Seas is dedicated to innovative observational, theoretical and modelling studies concerning physical processes in coastal and shelf seas. A subsession is envisaged on the Baltic Sea, with emphasis on the Baltic Earth programme, focusing on sea-level variability, salinity dynamics and water budget, biogeochemical feedbacks, extreme events and anthropogenically induced changes.
- 29-31 March 2017: Baltic from Space: Joint ESA-Baltic Earth Workshop on remote sensing applications in the Baltic Sea region, Helsinki, Finland
- 9 March 2017: Baltic Earth Seminar on "Major Baltic Inflows", connected to the 8th Baltic Earth Science Steering Group meeting, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), Germany. The seminar is open to external guests and starts at 9:00 in the IOW lecture hall.
- 7-8 February 2017: Baltic Earth Workshop on "Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling for the Baltic Sea and North Sea", Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), Germany
- 22-24 November 2016, Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany
Baltic Earth Working Group meeting on Scenario Simulations More...
- 11-12 October 2016: 15th Polish-German Seminar on Coastal Research, Maritime Museum, Hamburg, Germany
- 21 September 2016: Baltic Earth Seminar on " Exchanges between the North and Baltic Seas – A scientific overview" in the framework of the Fehmarn Belt Days 2016, Hamburg HafenCity University, Germany. Presentations available here...
- 12–16 September 2016: Session on "Evaluation and quality assurance of climate services – Methods, criteria and pitfalls" at 16th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 12–16 September 2016, Trieste, Italy. Abstract Sumbission Deadline: 21 April
- 29 August – 5 September 2016: International Summer School on Climate change in the Baltic Sea region, Askö Laboratory, Trosa, Sweden. More...
- 13-17 June 2016: 1st Baltic Earth Conference in Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania. Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region. More...
- 17-20 May 2016: International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016
Baltic Earth contributed to an informal dicussion on
"THE USE OF COUPLED RCMS (ALSO CALLED RCSM OR RESM) IN CORDEX AND SPECIFICALLY IN THE COMING FLAGSHIP PILOT STUDIES". The side event was organized by Samuel Somot (Med-CORDEX) and Markus Meier (Baltic Earth). The programme was the following:
- Short intro with the goals of the meeting (Samuel Somot, Markus Meier)
- The CORDEX mini-challenge on coupling (Daniela Jacob, CORDEX SAT member)
- The use of coupled RCMs in Polar CORDEX (Annette Rinke)
- The use of coupled RCMs in Baltic Earth / Euro-CORDEX domain (Markus Meier)
- The use of coupled RCMs in Med-CORDEX (Samuel Somot)
- The use of coupled RCMs in other CORDEX domains
- Identification of coordination needs across CORDEX domains for the use coupled RCMs in CORDEX and CORDEX FPS
- List of recommendations to be sent to the CORDEX SAT - Future actions
Conference website ...
- 17–22 April 2016: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. More...
Session CL4.04:
Climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations and model projections. More..
- .13 April 2016: Second Workshop on the ‘Major Baltic Inflow of December 2014’, IOPAN, Sopot, Poland.
- 19 November 2015: Baltic Earth/Gulf of Finland Seminar 2015: Exchange processes between the Gulf of Finland and other Baltic Sea basins. A scientific seminar in connection to the Gulf of Finland Final Scientific Forum held in Tallinn on 17-18 November 2015. More...
- 5-6 November 2015: A joint HyMex-Baltic Earth Workshop Joint regional climate system modelling for the European sea regions, ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Rome, Italy. More...
- 24-30 August 2015: International advanced PhD course on Impact of climate change on the marine environment with special focus on the role of changing extremes, co-organized by the “Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management” (BEAM) and Baltic Earth programmes and funded by BEAM. The course takes place at Askö Laboratory, Trosa, Sweden. More...
- 10-14 August 2015: Baltic Earth Doctoral Students Conference in Tartu and on Vilsandi island, Estonia.More...
- 15-19 June 2015: 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress. Riga, Latvia. More...
- 14 May 2015: BACC II Launch at ECCA2015. Copenhagen, Denmark. More...
- 12-14 May 2015: European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark. More...
- 21-24 April 2015: International Conference: The Problems of Hydrometeorological Security of the Economy Under Climate Change, Minsk, Belarus.
Infos in Russian... Infos in English...
- 12-17 April 2015: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. Dedicated Session on BACC and NOOSCA: CL4.13 Climate change assessments for the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations, model projections and impacts. More...
- 10 March 2015: Open Baltic Earth Seminar on Climate modelling and impacts: From the Global to the Regional to the Urban scale, HafenCity University Hamburg. More...
- 24-25 November 2014: Baltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Year 2014: Modelling Workshop on Using modelling as a tool to ensure sustainable development of the Gulf of Finland-Baltic Sea ecosystem. A scientific workshop in support of the Gulf of Finland Declaration. Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki. More...
- 23-26 September 2014: 8th Workshop on Baltic Sea Ice Climate. Szczecin and Miedzyzdroje, Poland,. More...
- 24-26 September 2014: International Conference: Deltas in times of climate change II: Opportunities for people, science, cities and business. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More...
- 25-27 August 2014: Adapting to change: From research to decision making, Copenhagen, Denmark. More...
- 14-17 July 2014: Trending Now: Water 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle. World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands. More...
- 16-19 June 2014: 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling. Lund, Sweden. More...
- 30-13 January 2014: Baltic Earth Workshop on "Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region", Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland. More...
- 23-28 February 2014: 2014 ASLO Open Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. More...
- 27 April - 2 May 2014: European Geosciences Union: General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria, More...
- 12-15 May 2014: Conference on Climate Change in the Southern Baltic region. Szczecin, Poland. More...
- 26-29 May 2014
: Measuring and modeling of multi-scale interactions in the marine environment.
6th IEEE/OES Baltic Symposium 2014, Tallinn, Estonia. More...
- 27 May 2014: Urban Regions under Change: Towards social-ecological resilience (URC 2014), HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany. More...
More infos...
- 9-13 December 2013: AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco,USA. More...
- 11-12 November 2013: 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Vilnius, Lithuania. More...
- 4-7 November 2013: International Conference on Regional Climate - CORDEX 2013, Brussels, Belgium. More...
- 3 October 2013: Baltic Sea Conference 2013: Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries. Copenhagen, Denmark. More...
- 16-22 September 2013: Symposium on Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering, Lodz, Poland.
- 26-30 August 2013: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2013. Klaipėda, Lithuania. More...
- 10-14 June 2013: 7th Study Conference on BALTEX. Borgholm, Öland, Sweden. More...
- 7 – 12 April 2013: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013. Vienna, Austria. More...
- 20 – 22 March 2013: XIV International Environmental Forum - Baltic Sea Day 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia. More...
- 18 – 20 March 2013: European Climate Change Adaptation Conference: Intergating Climate into Action.
Hamburg, Germany.
- 5-6 February 2013: HELCOM Workshop on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region. A collaboration with BALTEX and BACC II. Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde,
More infos...
Baltic Earth Events |
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