International Baltic Earth Secretariat (IBES)
International Baltic Earth Secretariat
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht
Tel: +49-4152-87-1693
E-mail: balticearth(at) (replace "(at)" with "@")
For details on IBES staff, click here
The International Baltic Earth Secretariat (IBES) as a focal support point for Baltic Earth is located at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (until 1 November 2010: GKSS Research Centre) in Geesthacht, Germany. The Baltic Earth Secretariat´s tasks cover in particular:
- to support the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group, Working Groups and Panels in their activities, and to provide preliminary reviews of their work,
- to maintain connections with all participating research groups and with all operational data and numerical modelling centres for Baltic Earth,
- to prepare for international Baltic Earth meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, and to provide assistance for reports by Baltic Earth scientists and to international research groups and the research and public community at large, and
- to inform participants about ongoing activities which may be of relevance to their work.
Since January 2002, GKSS (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht as of 1 November 2010) has been the only sponsor of the International BALTEX (now: Baltic Earth) Secretariat, covering salaries for the staff members, infrastructure and travel support.