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Baltic Earth Secretariat
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3rd Baltic Earth Conference
Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts
Jastarnia, Hel peninsula, Poland
1 - 5 June 2020



Baltic Earth Working Groups (BEWG)

Working groups are the centres of activity within Baltic Earth. Working groups are established to cover either

i) a dedicated topic or element treating or directly being related to the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges (GC), or

ii) a topic or element cross-cutting through several or all challenges.

iii) terminated working groups

General Terms of Reference for Baltic Earth Working Groups (approved by BESSG, 18 June 2014)

These general Terms of References apply to all Baltic Earth Working Groups (BEWGs). Individual Working Groups are asked to formulate specific Terms of Reference which allow for the specific scope and purpose of individual Working Groups.

1. Tasks are to

  • represent the “working level” of Baltic Earth,
  • conduct and actively promote a dedicated Grand Challenge (GC), topic or element within a GC, or,
  • conduct and actively promote a topic or element cross-cutting through several or all GCs,
  • conduct or organise to conduct relevant projects and activities,
  • report to the BSSG on a regular basis,
  • meet regularly, at least once a year, with telephone conferences as required.

2. Term

  • 2 years, or less, depending on the specific term of the Working Group.
  • Requires approval by the BSSG, with the possibility of renewals.

3. Election and approval

  • New WG members may be proposed by WG members and approved by WG chairs if there are no objections by WG members.

4. Deliverables

  • Deliverables are to be defined in the specific Terms of References of the individual Working Groups. The deliverables are to be presented after the regular 2 year term, if not specified otherwise in the Working Group´s specific Terms of Reference.
  • In general, outcomes of WGs may be thematic assessment reports, research projects, workshops, summer schools, or other products defined in the Working Group´s specific Terms of Reference.

Related links

Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG)

Baltic Earth Working Groups
International Baltic Earth Secretariat
Baltic Earth Senior Advisory Board

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Last update of this page: 21 Sept 2017