Call for Abstracts
Joint BACC-NOSCCA Session at EGU 2016:
Climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations and model projections (CL4.04)
Session descriptions and more infos here...
Abstract submission deadline: 13 January 2016
- Nobody is Perfect - with such a large endeavour as the BACC II book, with so many contributions, it cannot be ruled out that some errors have slipped through. To make this as transparent as possible and to allow corrections to be published, we have added a "Corrigenda" page on this website. May this page have as few entries as possible! A corrigendum on the MWP temperature is now online. The BACC Blog should be the discussion forum for any controversial issues.
- Press release and material here...
BACC II now available as Open Access
The BACC II book is now available for download from the Springer website
Launch at ECCA2015 in Copenhagen
There will be e a short launch event in the frame of ECCA 2015 the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 12-14 May in Copenhagen, with an expected 1.000 participants. This conference seems perfect for the launch of the book, as international stakeholders interested in regional climate change information will gatther there.
The event will be on Thursday 14 May as Midday Plenary in the Auditorium 11 of the Bella Center in Copenhagen, 13:15 - 13:45.
There will be a short introduction to BACC by Hans von Storch, followed by a podium discussion. Here, we have confirmed participation by a range of stakeholders:
Hans von Storch, climate scientist and BACC initiator
Deliang Chen, climate scientist (University of Gothenburg, and former Executive Director of ICSU, the International Council of Science)
Maxi Nachtigall, representative of a political network (CBSS Secretariat; the Council of the Baltic Sea States provides an intergovernmental platform for regional cooperation and works through networks and project-based activities)
Lykke Leonardsen, practitioner in climate change adaptation (Head of Climate Unit, City of Copenhagen)
HELCOM representative (asked) HELCOM is the intergovernmental commission for the protection of the Baltic Sea, and an important policy-science interface in the Baltic Sea region. HELCOM has been a prime stakeholder of BACC, and two HELCOM Thematic Assessment Reports were published on the basis of the BACC material.
Earlier on this day (Thursday 14 May), a short summary of the BACC II book will be presented in the Session "Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate" under the Topic "Regional Challenges and Opportunities", at 8:30 in the Auditorium 12.
- Baltic Sea Fund honours BACC initiator Hans von Storch
- HELCOM Workshop on Climate Change
Warnemünde, 5-6 February 2013. See conclusions here...
- HELCOM Workshop on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region; a collaboration with BALTEX and BACC II
Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde, 5 and 6 February 2013
Register with Minna Pyhälä at the HELCOM Secretariat
Download more information here...
- BACC II Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 6-7 September 2012
Thank you for a successful conference!
More here and on the BACC Blog...
- BACC II Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 6-7 September 2012
The conference will
discuss and review the new scientific results and developments with the scientific community and intends
to create awareness of the BACC II results and possible related societal implications in relevant stakeholders and the public in large. Scientists as well as the interested public and stakeholders are invited to attend.
More information here...
- 3rd BACC II Lead Author Team meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 9 and 10 February 2012.
- Interview on the state of the Baltic Sea with 3 leading german climate scientists (Hartmut Graßl, Stefan Rahmsdorff, Hans von Storch), in German.
Link to text and audio file here...
- Successful 2nd BACC II Lead Author Team meeting conducted in Hamburg, Germany, on 28 and 29 March 2011. More...
- The BACC book is now also available for free download! Click here...
If you want the real thing, print versions can still be ordered with Springer at very low discount rates (half price and additional 33% discount. Click here for more infos...
- The BACC Blog is now online! Click here...
- 1st BACC II Lead Author Meeting successfully completed.
Almost all BACC II Lead Authors made it to the 1st Lead Author Team Meeting in a snowy Göteborg, 23 and 24 November. More...
- SurBACC 2010 -
A survey of the perspectives of climate scientists concerning climate change and climate science
in the Baltic Sea basin by Dennis Bray
Download here... or request at the BALTEX Secretariat
- 2nd BACC II Science Steering Group Meeting
Lund University, Sweden.
12 and 13 April 2010. At this meeting, the BACC II SSC agreed on membership changes and the final book structure, and suggested BACC II Lead Authors. Minutes...
- First BACC II Working Group Meeting
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland,
12 January 2009. Minutes...
BACC II (Second BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin) is the successor to BACC, which was terminated with the publication of the BACC book. The purpose of the first BACC assessment (BACC) was to provide the scientific community with an assessment of ongoing climate variations in the
An important element was the comparison with the historical past. Also, changes in relevant environmental systems, due to climate variations, were assessed – such as hydrological, ocean and ecosystem changes. The work has generated a large activity around the
Baltic Sea
with more than 80 authors writing the assessment and a close cooperation with HELCOM. The BACC book was published by Springer in January 2008.
The aim of BACC II is to organize and publish an updated assessment by 2014, building on and extending BACC.
For "Tasks and Responsibilities for the BACC II SSG, the BALTEX Secretariat and BACC II Lead Authors", click here. |