To all participants thank you for a fruitful workshop!

Coordinated activities planned to solve urgent scientific questions
36 participants from institutes and weather services around the Baltic Sea region exchanged views and experiences on coupled modeling. Participants agreed to follow up on coordinated activities to solve some of the urgent problems associated in coupling different models. Ensemble analyses and, if possible, coordinated experiments are envisaged for the coming years. Interested scientists who also cope with the problems of coupled modeling are invited to join the group!
More infos will be later available here...
A Baltic Earth workshop on coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling for the Baltic Sea and North Sea open for all interested scientists will be held at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, 7-8 February 2017.
The workshop aims to bring scientist interested in coupled modeling of the Baltic Sea and North Sea regions together to discuss scientific results, recent progress in model development, technical challenges, coordinated experiments and common publications. The idea is to have some brief presentations from all groups working with coupled modeling on new scientific and technical results and intensive discussions on coordinated experiments. The latter will hopefully result in a work plan for coordinated experiments supported by several groups and with results summarized in common scientific publications. The workshop participants are invited to propose ideas for coordinated experiments solving scientific questions that can hardly be addressed by just one coupled atmosphere-ocean model.
Programme, Abstracts, Participants
For the workshop participants a contingent of hotel rooms in the "Hotel am Alten Strom" (, code: IOW - Baltic Earth) is pre-reserved; please book your room as soon as possible.
Registration and Abstracts
Late registration and Poster abstratct submission is still possible but names and abstracts will not appear in the programme booklet.
As the time for oral presentations will be limited we will organize also an interactive session around posters depending on the interest. Scientists interested in presenting a poster are invited to submit an abstract (up to 300 words plus one figure) by 30 January 2017. A workshop booklet with the abstracts will be produced and distibuted at the workshop. Programme, presentations and the outcome of the workshop will be published at the Baltic Earth website. For earlier activities in regional climate system modeling co-organized by Baltic Earth we refer to The official language of the workshop is English.
No participation/ registration fee will be charged, but registration by 30 January is compulsory. Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses.
The workshop is organised around invited oral presentations and discussions. Sessions will be designed around dedicated topics related to the workshop’s objectives. An interactive session will be organised around selected posters.