On the 2nd of December 1865, Arthur Joachim von Oettingen started meteorological observations in Tartu (then: Dorpat) in his own house. With this he began up to date continuous series of meteorological measurements in Estonia. He was a professor of physics and founder of the Meteorological Observatory of Tartu University, precursor of the Estonian Weather Service and organizer of the first hydrological and meteorological network in the Baltic countries.
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Meteorological Observatory of the University of Tartu, the Faculty of Science and Technology will host the Baltic Earth Doctoral Students Conference from 10 to 14 August in Tartu and on Vilsandi Island, Estonia. Up to 40 participants, including students, early career faculty/researchers and invited experts from the Baltic Earth network are expected to join this doctoral conference.
The Doctoral Conference will take place in Tartu (2 days) and on the island of Vilsandi (2 days), Estonia.
The conference is supported by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology (2009-2015). |
The main goals of the Students Conference are:
- To bring together young reseachers in the field of Earth system sciences from different countries surrounding the Baltic Sea
- To offer early stage scientists an opportunity for an oral talk and discussion in a relaxed informal atmosphere
- To provide young scientists with new perspectives and inspirations for their own projects
- To have renowned keynote speakers give insights into current hot topics in the area
The Students Conference will be composed of several segments:
- Oral presentations of doctoral students/early career reseachers
- Keynote presentations by invited speakers
- Special Lectures
- Tours, site visits and other activities
Key Speakers
Prof. Sergey Gulev , P.P. Shirshow Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Jaak Jaagus, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr. Andreas Lehmann, Geomar, Kiel, Germany
Prof. Kai Myrberg, Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Hanno Ohvril, University of Tartu, Estonia
Prof. Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Urmas Raudsepp, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Prof. Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Erki Tammiksaar, University of Tartu, Estonia
Dr. Hannes Tönisson, Tallinn University, Estonia |