Final Conference Programme here... (update as of 23 May)
The programme includes the oral presentations as well as the list of poster presentations.
Oral and Poster Authors, please see the Instructions for Authors
- 11 March 2013: Abstract submission
- 31 March 2013: Authors notified
- 15 April 2013: Conference Hotel Room Pre-booking deadline
- 26 April 2013: Registration deadline
- 10 June 2013: Conference
Social Events
Guidelines for Abstract Preparation and Submission
Contributions in accordance with the conference topics as outlined below, both oral or as poster, are welcome. Extended abstracts in English language, maximum of two pages, including figures, tables or diagrams, are invited to be submitted to the International BALTEX Secretariat electronically. A special conference issue in an international scientific journal is planned to be published after the conference, and authors may submit a full paper, based on their presentation, after the conference (for back issues see here).
Abstracts must be submitted electronically using e-mail. An electronic abstract template including all format definitions is available here. This template shall be downloaded and used for the preparation of abstracts. Authors are advised to follow the formats given in this template. Other formats or paper/fax copies will not be accepted. See here also for an example of extended abstracts in the abstract proceedings from the previous Study Conference on BALTEX.
Abstracts must be submitted to the BALTEX Secretariat at baltex@hzg.de. Abstract Template ...
The Scientific Conference Committee will review the submitted papers, and the authors will be notified accordingly before 31 March 2013.
A citable abstract proceedings volume will be published prior to the conference and will be distributed there.