Aftermath page of the 7th Study Conference on BALTEX
Thank you for a great conference!

This page is acts as the interface to all post-conference information. A general summary of the conference is available and we have compiled a selection of conference photos. We provide presentations given at the conference as pdf as well as the Conference Proceedings and the programme. Click on the links below!
Conference Summary Page here ...
Conference Photos Page here ...
Conference Presentations here...
Conference Proceedings (Abstract Volume) here...
Conference Programme here ...
Call for Papers for a Special Conference Issue in Oceanologia
As already announced, we will have a Special Conference Issue in Oceanologia ( Everybody who contributed to the conference with an oral or a poster presentation is eligible to send in a manuscript. The paper must be based on the presentation. There are no page charges for conference authors.
Deadline for the submission of manuscripts is 7 October 2013
Please send us your intention to submit a manuscript by Monday 9 September 2013, along with a tentative title of your paper. This will help us to plan the Special Issue.
Find instructions for authors at the Oceanologia website: Please follow these instructions closely. The number of pages should be limited to 20 including figures, tables and references. Please check the instructions accordingly. The manuscripts will undergo a regular review process. There will be no page charges.
Please send your manuscript to the International BALTEX Secretariat by e-mail. We will collect the manuscripts here and send them collectively to Oceanologia. We are looking forward to receiving your manuscript! |