7th Study Conference on BALTEX
Borgholm, Island of Öland, Sweden, 10 to 14 June 2013
Presentations can be found here
Monday morning
- BALTEX – 20 years of international and interdisciplinary research for the Baltic Sea region
Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Bringing together the East and West: Joining ideas, people, datasets
Sirje Keevallik, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Challenges for the Baltic Sea region from the HELCOM perspective
Mikhail Durkin, Helsinki Commission, Helsinki, Finland
- Climate change in the Baltic Sea region - The BACC Assessments
Hans von Storch, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
- A new science and outreach programme for the Baltic Sea region
Markus Meier, SMHI, Sweden
Monday afternoon
- BALTEX - 20 years ago and before (special invited talk)
Ehrhard Raschke
- What do we know about the human impact on aerosol cloud-mediated climate processes in the Baltic Region?
Olaf Krüger
- Surface radiation budget of the Baltic Sea from satellite data
Tomasz Zapadka et al.
- Long term measurements of the energy balance in the urban area in Łódź, central Poland
Krzysztof Fortuniak et al.
- Contributions of BALTEX towards the understanding of the Earth´s water and energy cycle (solicited)
Lennart Bengtsson
- A new perspective on atmospheric requirements for major inflow events into the Baltic Sea
Semjon Schimanke et al.
- Freshwater outflow of the Baltic Sea and transport in the Norwegian Current: A statistical correlation analysis based on a numerical experiment
Robinson Hordoir et al.
- Sea ice thickness variability in the Baltic Sea
Jari Haapala et al.
Tuesday morning
- Knowledge of the Baltic Sea physics gained during the BALTEX II and related programmes (solicited)
Anders Omstedt et al.
- Upwelling dynamics in the Baltic Sea studied by a combined SAR/infrared satellite data and circulation model analysis
Andreas Lehmann et al.
- A statistical approach to coastal upwelling in the Baltic Sea based on the analysis of satellite data for 1990–2009
Kai Myrberg et al.
- Ground-based GPS networks for remote sensing of the atmospheric water vapour content: A review (solicited)
Gunnar Elgered
- Advanced modeling tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ECOsystem to SUPPORT decision making (ECOSUPPORT, 2009-2011)
Markus Meier et al.
- Baltic-C: Modeling and experimental approaches to unravel the Baltic Sea carbon (CO2) cycle and its response to anthropogenic changes
Bernd Schneider et al.
- Methane cycling in shallow sediments and the overlying water column of the Baltic Sea: A synopsis of the project BALTIC GAS
Gregor Rehder et al.
- Baltic Way: Towards the use of ocean dynamics for pollution control
Tarmo Soomere et al.
Wednesday morning
- Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability
Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany, Member of the Executive Group of the Future Earth Transition Team
- The GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel
Jan Polcher, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS, Paris, France, GEWEX-GHP Co-Chairman; J. Evans, Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, GEWEX-GHP Co-Chairman; S. Benedict, International GEWEX Project Office
- Grand Challenges defined for the new programme
Anna Rutgersson, University of Uppsala
- Perspectives for Outreach and Education in the new programme
Marcus Reckermann, International BALTEX Secretariat
Wednesday afternoon
- The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) in the past two years
Pavel Groisman, University Corp. for Atmospheric Research at NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, North Carolina, USA; R.G. Lawford, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington D.C., USA
- The La Plata Basin RHP: Rethinking the design of adaptation strategies
E. Hugo Berbery, University of Maryland, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, College Park, Maryland, USA; J.-P. Boulanger, LOCEAN, UMR CNRS/IRD/UPMC, France; E. Gentile, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; S. Schlindwein, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
- Climate variability in the Baltic Sea basin over the last 12,000 calendar years: Lessons from the past for the future (solicited)
Irena Borzenkova et al.
- Observed changes and variability of atmospheric parameters in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years
Anna Rutgersson et al.
- Spatio-temporal climate variations and trends over the Baltic Sea since 1850
Frederik Schenk and E. Zorita
- Variability and trends in daily minimum and maximum temperatures and in diurnal temperature range in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
Jaak Jaagus et al.
- Climate change and local trends in longer air temperature time series of the Baltic region
Andres Tarand
- Sea level variations of the Baltic Sea in response to climate variability for the period 1970-2010
Andreas Lehmann et al.
- Detecting acceleration in long time series of Baltic sea level
Eduardo Zorita and B. Hünicke
- Long-term variations of simulated sediment transport along the eastern Baltic Sea coast as a possible indicator of climate change
Maija Viška and T. Soomere
Thursday morning
- A new generation of regional climate model scenarios for the Baltic Sea area
Erik Kjellström et al.
- Variations in projections of atmospheric climate change for the Baltic Sea region
Ole Bøssing Christensen and E. Kjellström
- Simulation of present and future climate variability over the Baltic Sea area with the new SMHI atmosphere-ocean-ice coupled model RCA4_NEMO
Shiyu Wang et al.
- How a two-way online coupled model system impacts regional climate simulations
Ha Thi Minh Hagemann et al.
- Future climate change A1B scenario downscaling - Results for the Baltic and North Sea
Dimitry V. Sein et al.
- Introducing the coupled atmosphere-ocean system: COSMO-CLM and NEMO for the North and Baltic Seas
Trang Van Pham et al.
- Consistency of recently observed trends over the Baltic Sea basin with climate change projections
Armineh Barkhordarian and H. von Storch
- Projected changes in Baltic Sea upwelling from an ensemble of RCP scenario simulations
Christian Dieterich et al.
- Baltic Sea wave conditions under climate change scenarios
Nikolaus Grol et al.
Thursday afternoon
- From BALTEX research to adaptation to climate change – A Swedish perspective (solicited)
Sten Bergström
- The impacts of climate change and nutrient reduction measures on river discharge and nutrient fluxes to the Baltic Sea
Chantal Donnelly and B. Arheimer
- Improved tools for river flood preparedness under a changing risk in Poland
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
- Towards flood assessment over Eurasian watersheds using RCM and river flow routing algorithm
Elena Stafeeva and I. Shkolnik
- Estimation of the peak outflow from natural lakes within the Neva River basin
Sergey Zhuralev
- Flood frequency on the rivers in the Belorussian part of the Baltic Sea basin and cyclonic activity
Irina Partasenok and R. Chekan
- Precipitation extremes projections for Poland for the period 2021-2050
Joanna Wibig
- Simulation of annual maximum runoff in a river catchment with a spatial weather generator and climate change scenarios
Leszek Kuchar et al.
- Land cover-climate interactions in the past for the understanding of current and future climate change: the LANDCLIM project (solicited)
Marie-José Gaillard et al.
- Modelling the extent of hypoxia and anoxia in the Baltic Sea for the period 1970-2010
Andreas Lehmann et al.
- Regime shifts and trends in the Baltic Sea area: A statistical approach
Adolf Konrad Stips and M.-J. Lilover
Friday morning
- The role of the terrestrial dissolved organic matter mineralization for the acid-base system of the Baltic Sea (solicited)
Karol Kulinski et al.
- Influence of DOM on the CO2 pressure in the Gulf of Bothnia surface water
Moa Edman and L.G. Anderson
- Remote sensing algorithms for sea surface CO2 in the Baltic Sea
Gaëlle Parard et al.
- Influence of coastal upwelling on the Air-Sea exchange of CO2 in a Baltic Sea basin
Maria Norman et al.
- Ten years of CO2 measurements on a cargo ship reveal new insights and knowledge gaps in the Baltic Sea net community production
Bernd Schneider and B. Sadkowiak
- The Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a carbon source to the Baltic Sea
Beata Szymczycha and J. Pempkowiak
- Modelling the interaction between eutrophication, acidification and climate change in the Baltic Sea
Anders Omstedt and M. Edman
- Simulations of eutrophication scenarios using the current and an improved version of ERGOM
René Friedland et al.
- Urban snow and snowmelt runoff inorganic pollution and its impact on the receiving river in the city of Brest, Belarus
Ina Bulskaya and A.Volchek
- Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline
Marke Hongisto