Conference Committee
- Riccardo Farneti (International Center for Theoretical Physics, ITCP, Italy)
- Miguel Ángel Gaertner (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, UCLM, Spain)
- Gabriel Jordà (Universitat de les Illes Balears, UIB, Spain)
- Markus Meier (Leibniz Institute of Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, IOW, Germany)
- Anna Rutgersson (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
- Corinna Schrum (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, HZG, Germany)
- Martin Stendel (Danish Meteorological Institute, DMI, Denmark)
- Maria Vittoria Struglia (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l‘energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, ENEA, Italy)
Organisation Committee
- Angel Amores (UIB, Spain)
- Gabriel Jordà (UIB, Spain)
- Markus Meier (IOW, Germany)
- Javier Soto-Navarro (UIB, Spain)
- Marcus Reckermann (International Baltic Earth Secretariat at HZG, Germany)
- Silke Köppen (International Baltic Earth Secretariat at HZG, Germany)
Co-organising and supporting Institutions
