This page summarizes recent peer-reviewed Baltic Earth publications. A „Baltic Earth publication“ shall fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
1) It describes results of a Baltic Earth project and Baltic Earth is explicitly referred to in the title, abstract, introduction or summary of the publication.
Due to copyright issues, an unrestricted access to the full artice is not always possible via this webpage. In most cases, links to digital libraries are given, which may request financial compensation for reading or download of the entire article.
Bierstedt, Svenja
Decadal to centennial variability of daily wind over Northern Europe and its application to migrating dunes in the Baltic Sea region
Dissertation at University of Hamburg, Germany
New Books
Omstedt , A.
A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity
Springer Earth and Environmental Science, Print ISBN 978-3-030-36679-7, Online ISBN 978-3-030-36680-3, February 2020
Schneider B, Müller JD
Biogeochemical Transformations in the Baltic Sea
Springer Oceanography, eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-61699-5, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-61698-8, 110p., 2018
Snoeijs-Leijonmalm P, Schubert H, Radziejewska T (eds)
Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea
Springer Netherlands Science+Business Media, eBook ISBN: 978-94-007-0668-2, Hardcover ISBN: 978-94-007-0667-5, 683p.,
Harff J, Furmańczyk K, von Storch H (eds)
Coastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East
Springer Coastal Research Library, Vol. 19 Open Access, ISBN: 978-3-319-49892-8 (Print) 978-3-319-49894-2 (Online) May 2017
Omstedt, A.
Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition: And the Nights Abound with Inspiration.
SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences, April 2016
ISBN 978-3-319-27534-5
The BACC II Author Team
Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
Springer Regional Climate Studies Open Access, 501 p., May 2015
ISBN 978-3-319-17990-2
Omstedt, A.
Guide to process based modelling of lakes and coastal seas. Second Edition
Springer-Praxis books in Geophysical Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17990-2, 2015
ISBN 978-3-319-16005-4 More
Schmidt-Thomé, P., J. Klein (Eds.)
Climate Change Adaptation in Practice - from strategy development to implementation
Wiley Blackwell Book Publication, 327 p., May 2013
ISBN 978-0-470-97700-2 More
Kulinski K, Pempkowiak J, 2012:
Carbon Cycling in the Baltic Sea
Springer Verlag, 130p. ISBN: 978-3-642-19387-3
Stokowski M, Schneider B, Rehder G, Kulinksi K, 2020:
The characteristics of the CO2 system of the Oder River estuary (Baltic Sea)
J Mar Syst 211:103418, 2020, 11, November 2020
Miettunen E, Tuomi L, Myrberg K, 2020:
Water exchange between the inner and outer archipelago areas of the Finnish Archipelago Sea in the Baltic Sea,
Ocean Dynamics 2020, 11, 227;, September 2020
Ruosteenoja K, Markkanen T, Räisänen J., 2020:
Thermal seasons in northern Europe in projected future climate
Int J Clim 40(10):.4444-4462 doi.10.1002/joc.6466, August 2020
Ma, X, Sun M, Lennartz ST, Bange, HW., 2020:
A decade of methane measurements at the Boknis Eck Time Series Station in Eckernförde Bay (southwestern Baltic Sea)
Biogeosciences 17:3427-3438., July 2020
Ho-Hagemann HTM, Hagemann S, Grayek S, Petrik R, Rockel B, Staneva J, Feser F, Schrum C, 2020:
Internal model variability in the regional coupled system model GCOAST-AHOI
Atmosphere 2020, 11, 227; doi:10.3390/atmos11030227
Kowalewska-Kalkowska H, Kowalewski M, 2019:
Combining satellite imagery and numerical modelling to study the occurrence of warm upwellings in the southern Baltic Sea in winter
Remote Sens 11(24):2982 December 2019
Meier HEM, Dieterich C, Eilola K, Höglund A, Radtke H, Saraiva S, Wahlström I, 2019:
Future projections of record-breaking sea surface temperature and cyanobacteria bloom events in the Baltic Sea
Ambio 48(11):1362-1376 November 2019
Ruosteenoja K, Vihma T, Venäläinen A, 2019
Projected Changes in European and North Atlantic Seasonal Wind Climate Derived from CMIP5 Simulations
JCLI 32:6467-6490, October 2019
Myrberg K, Korpinen S, Uusitalo L, 2019
Physical oceanography sets the scene for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation in the Baltic Sea
Mar Pol 107:103591, October 2019
Westerlund A, Tuomi L, Alenius P, Myrberg K, Miettunen E, Vankevich RE, Hordoir R, 2019:
Circulation patterns in the Gulf of Finland from daily to seasonal timescales
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, July 2019
Ramacher MOR, Karl M, Bieser J, Jalkanen J-P, Johansson L, 2019:
Urban population exposure to NOx emissions from local shipping in three Baltic Sea harbour cities – a generic approach
Atmos Chem Phys 19:9153–9179, July 2019
Ma X, Lennartz ST, Bange HW., 2019:
A multi-year observation of nitrousoxide at the Boknis Eck Time-Series Station in the Eckernförde Bay (southwestern Baltic Sea)
Biogeosciences 16:4097-4111. DOI 10.5194/bg-16-4097-2019, May 2019
Meier HEM, Edman M, Eilola K, Placke M, Neumann T, Andersson H, Brunnabend S-E, Dieterich C, Frauen C, Friedland R, Gröger M, Gustafsson B, Gustafsson E, Isaev A, Kniebusch M, Kuznetsov I, Müller-Karulis B, Omstedt A, Ryabchenko V, Saraiva, Savchuk
Assessment of Uncertainties in Scenario Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Baltic Sea
Front Mar Sci, March 2019
Deng J, Wu J, Zhang W, Dudzinska-Nowak J, Harff J, 2019:
Characterising the relaxation distance of nearshore submarine morphology: A southern Baltic Sea case study
Geomorphology 327:365-376, February 2019
Meier HEM, Edman M, Eilola K, Placke M, Neumann T, Andersson H, Brunnabend S-E, Dieterich C, Frauen C, Friedland R, Gröger M, Gustafsson B, Gustafsson E, Isaev A, Kniebusch M, Kuznetsov I, Müller-Karulis B, Omstedt A, Ryabchenko V, Saraiva, Savchuk
Assessment of Euthrophication Abatement Scenarios for the Baltic Sea by Multi-Model Ensemble Simulations
Front Mar Sci,, November 2018
Dabuleviciene T, Kozlov IE, Vaiciute D, Dailidiene I, 2018:
Remote Sensing of Coastal Upwelling in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea: Statistical Properties and Implications for the Coastal Environment
Remote Sens 10(11):1752, November 2018
Bieser J., Schrum C., 2018:
Evaluation of the Impact of Air-Sea Exchange on Atmospheric Mercury Concentrations.
In: Mensink C., Kallos G. (eds) Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV. ITM 2016. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer
Stanev E, Pein J, Grashorn S, Zhang Y, Schrum C, 2018:
Dynamics of the Baltic Sea Straits via Numerical Simulation of Exchange Flows
Ocean Modelling 131:40-58, November 2018
Börgel F, Frauen C, Neumann T, Schimanke S, Meier HEM, 2018:
Impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Baltic Sea variability.
Geophysical Research Letter 45, September 2018
Placke M, Meier HEM, Gräwe U, Neumann T, Liu Y, 2018:
Long-term mean circulation of the Baltic Sea as represented by various ocean circulation models.
Front Mar Sci 5:287, September 2018
Hieronymus J, Eilola K, Hieronymus M, Meier HEM, Saraiva S, Karlson B, 2018:
Causes of simulated, longterm changes in chlorophyll concentrations in the Baltic Sea.
Biogeosciences 15:5113-5129, August 2018
Kulinski K, Szymczcha B, Koziorowska K, Hammer K, Schneider B, 2018:
Anomaly of total boron concentration in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea and its consequence for the CO2 system calculations.
Mar Chem 204:11-19, August 2018
Saraiva S, Meier HEM, Andersson H, Höglund A, Dieterich C, Gröger M, Hordoir R, Eilola K, 2018:
Baltic Sea ecosystem response to various nutrient load scenarios in present and future climates
Clim Dyn (2018)., July 2018
Meier HEM, Eilola K, Almroth-Rosell E, Schimanke S, Kniebusch M, Höglund A, Pemberton P, Saraiva S, 2018:
Disentangling the impact of nutrient load and climate changes on Baltic Sea hypoxia and eutrophication since 1850.
Clim Dyn 1-22, June 2018
Bauer B, Meier HEM, Casini M, Hoff A, Margoński P, Orio A, Saraiva S, Stenbeek J, Tomczak MT, 2018:
Reducing eutrophication increases spatial extent of communities supporting commercial fisheries: a model case study. ERRATUM
ICES J Mar Sci 75(3):1155, May 2018
Turner D, Edman M, Gallego-Urrea JA, Claremar B, Hasselhöv I-M, Omstedt A, Rutgersson A
The potential future contribution of shipping to acidification of the Baltic Sea
Ambio 47:368-378, April 2018
Meier HEM, Väli G, Naumann M, Eilola K, Frauen C, 2018:
Recently accelerated oxygen consumption rates amplify deoxygenation in the Baltic Sea.
J Geophys Res 123(5):3227-3240, April 2018
Bauer B, Meier HEM, Casini M, Hoff A, Margoński P, Orio A, Saraiva S, Stenbeek J, Tomczak MT, 2018:
Reducing eutrophication increases spatial extent of communities supporting commercial fisheries: a model case study.
ICES J Mar Sci 75(4):1306-1317, January 2018