Baltic Earth Working Group on Coupled Regional Earth System Models
Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP)
Coordinated experiments
A short text on why coordinated experiments are important
3 April 2018
Outbreak session at the Workshop on Regional Climate System Modelling for the European Sea Regions in Palma de Mallorca, 14- 16 March 2018
Thank you all for the fruitful discussions. Although some could not attend the workshop I think we got a step forward on getting the coordinated experiments going and which scientific question to address.
Minutes here...
Other material
CORDEX variables requirements (as of 21 Feb 2014)
CORDEX ocean variables (as of 8 Mar 2018)
NOOS Activity: Exchange of computed water, salt, and heat transports across selected transects (as of 11 Nov 2010)
sections, North Sea
NOOS sections, Baltic Sea
Locations of SHARK stations (